Copper Country Community Mental Health

24 HOUR EMERGENCY HELP: 1-800-526-5059
Request Services: 1-877-906-CCMH(2264) or (906)483-5555

60th Anniversary

The CCMH Board was formed on December 20, 1963, but we decided to celebrate in August, before the snow comes! In addition to having fun, we wanted to honor the memory of the people who helped build our Agency. It took a lot of work by local residents, and we want to continue that work to the best of our ability. We also wanted to help our staff focus on our shared mission. Even though we have many different programs: training and prevention, outpatient, community-based, and residential, we all share the same mission: we support independence in the community.

These are a few of the pictures from that day. Thanks to Superior Graphics, Biggby Coffee, Superior Equipment and Events, Border Grill, and Tadych’s Marketplace for helping us celebrate!